Why This Page

We can all get rather complacent about safety. Risks are widespread and are probably more common that we like to think. Every now and then, a "game changer" comes along that gets everyone's attention, demands more attention, and instigates change. We watched it happen with schools after Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Virginia Tech. The Sutherland Springs church shooting seemed to be one of those "game changers."

Among other duties, the Church Relations Team of the Southwest Ohio Northern Kentucky Association of the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ endeavors to be responsive to needs of local churches and ways the association can be a resource. Questions were flying from local churches after Sutherland Springs, especially related to whether guns should be allowed in churches.

The team saw an opportunity in this increased interest in security. Rather than answering so many of the questions in a limited silos, we sought to show how a general mindset shift towards "all-hazard" safety plans can protect churches from many different risks.

Workshops were quickly organized and conducted. They were very well-attended. This website is an idea born from the workshops.

We think a clear understanding or study of all of these topics keeps us safer than taking one issue, like whether we should let our parishioners that are licensed to carry concealed weapons become our security team at work.

  • Prevention
  • Awareness
  • Safety of All
  • Knowledge
  • Training
  • Perception of Safety

The workshop and the resources on this site are not end-points. If so, we consider our efforts a failure. This is a first-step, and it is essential that local churches follow-up with their own discussions and planning. Safety is a continuous improvement process.